Upload New Project
Enter details and media files for a new project.

Project Info

Tell us a little more about the project that you are going to upload.

T Powerbank is our central library for inspiring projects apart from standard campaigning. Please tell us how your project is especially innovative or state-of-the-art. And why you consider it worth sharing within the international Comms community.
Choose a category for your project (eg. Branding, Social Media, ...).
Provide a name for your project (eg. "Logo Animation").
Describe your project in a few sentences. Please keep it below 2.000 characters.
Optional: What is the name of your agency partner?

Contact Info

Now it's your time to shine!

Please tell us in which Telekom country this project has been created. And who is the person to contact in case of inquiries.
Please select the appropriate Telekom Country.
Who is the contact for inquiries or questions regarding this project?
Please enter the email address of the above contact person.

Upload Media Files

A picture is worth a thousand words.

To do your work justice, we want to feature your project as best as possible on this website. Please take a moment to provide us with a featured image, your project concept or documentation (PDF or PowerPoint); and an optional video that is further illustrating your work.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a "cover image" that best represents your project.

Please note: Use an image in landscape format (16:9) for optimal display quality.
Max file size: 2 MB
File format: .jpg, .jpeg, .png
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Max file size: 10 MB
File format: .pdf, .ppt